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455 9th St. SW Bandon, OR 97411
(541) 347-3974

Harbor Lights Middle School

Address: 390 9th St SW, Bandon, OR 97411
Phone: (541) 347-4415, Fax: (541) 347-3974
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Grades 5th-8th

Sports fees are $40 for the first sport, $25 for the second sport, and the third sport is free.

School begins at 8:15am and releases at 3:25pm

Office Hours are 8am – 4:15pm


Be Safe | Be Responsible | Be Respectful

Thank you for visiting the Harbor Lights Middle School website. We strive to be a school that provides for the academic, emotional and social growth of our students. Our school is not only an important link between elementary and high school, but also a place to learn good habits that will provide opportunities for future successes.

Our staff is committed to excellence in education. We believe that attendance at school each day is very important and we communicate that attitude to our students. By working together, communicating effectively, and building positive relationships with our students, their families, and community members, we can prepare our youth to achieve great things.

Becky Armistead
Principal/Special Education Director

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