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455 9th St. SW Bandon, OR 97411
(541) 347-3974

Bandon High School Staff

SD 25
Dr. Sam Dockery
Bandon High School Principal
JW 25
Jim Wright
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
JA 25
Jonah Augsburger
Special Education Assistant
MK 25
Megan Kalina
Academic Advisor
AG 25
Anne Goodwin
Special Education Assistant
Liz Deters
Liz Deters
JS 25
Jordan Sammons
Physical Education/Health
25 KS
Kari Senn
Secretary to the Principal/Registrar
SS 25
Sheena Siewell
Attendance/Athletic Secretary
MA 25
Matt Angove
CB 25
Chase Berry
DC 25
Dustin Carmack
Special Education
JE 25
Jen Ells
Art/Physical Education
SF 25
Stephanie Freitag
Special Ed. Asst./Librarian
25 KH
Kevin Haan
Social Studies
TH 25
Trent Hatfield
KH 25
Kate Hawthorne
Social Studies
TH 25
Tanner Holycross
Industrial Arts/CTE
SK 25
Sasha Knudson
Special Education Assistant
SM 25
Shane Marken
Industrial Arts/CTE
25 KM
Krystal Marty
Special Education Assistant
KM 25
Karen Moore
Language Arts
AP 25
Ashley Pearson
Language Arts
BS 25
Brook Schwenninger
ALS Teacher
KS 25
Kathy Scott
Special Education Assistant
Brian Sumner
CT 25
Calan Taylor
Science/Physical Education
KT 25
Kerry Twyman
Special Educational Assistant
LV 25
Liz Villagomez
DW 25
Dave Weston
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